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Floating Mercado

Celebrate Local Business and Community Spirit

Step into the vibrant world of our Floating Mercado, a dynamic marketplace that celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit of our community. Held seasonally, this unique market provides a platform for small and micro businesses, including those without a brick-and-mortar presence, to showcase their products and services in a lively, family-friendly atmosphere.

A Marketplace for All

Whether you're a startup, a small vendor with just a cart, or a local nonprofit looking to raise awareness, the Floating Mercado offers you a space to connect with the community, display your offerings, and grow your visibility. Set up your booth, engage with attendees, and enjoy the benefits of a low-cost, high-energy market environment.

Engagement Beyond Sales

Our most popular events combine traditional festivities with the marketplace, such as the annual Trunk or Treat and costume contests, making it an exciting outing for families. Enjoy interactions that go beyond transactions—participate in contests, enjoy local entertainment, and immerse yourself in the community vibe.

Join Us at the Next Floating Mercado

Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of this thriving marketplace. Whether you aim to shop, sell, or simply soak in the atmosphere, the Floating Mercado offers something for everyone. Check our events calendar for upcoming dates and join us in celebrating the heart and hustle of our local entrepreneurs.